Hosting and management

Our hosting is 100% adapted for business and public activities - with service around the clock, all year round.

Mild's hosting takes care of everything

With hosting with us, you can release all ongoing responsibility for your web to our experts. We help you with daily operations, support, backups, upgrades and security - at all hours of the day. Our experience stretches back over 10 years and includes many of Sweden's most demanding and visited websites, where stress tests, frequent security checks and our own server are included. This type of hosting is called managed server.

Regardless of the size of your business, we are a good alternative - our customers range from small e-tailers to global groups and authorities. In comparison to hosting with other providers, which have an apparently lower cost, we are also more affordable. With us you get free storage without restrictions and a support that upgrades your website every night. We monitor and address any issues to ensure your site is up and running.

Our platform is specially adapted for WordPress, Drupal, Magento and Joomla. We are GDPR-compliant and protected against The Cloud Act.

Climate positive

Since 2020, our platform has been completely free from climate impact. In fact, we compensate for more carbon emissions than our servers emit. Our hosting is therefore climate positive.

Mild hosting – standard

All hosting takes place in our own cloud Mild Cloud. The platform is built on OpenStack and provides high performance, good uptime and built-in security for the CMS platforms WordPress, Drupal, Magento and Joomla.

Own cloud server

With your own cloud server, you get maximum security and uptime. Since you have the entire server to yourself, neither capacity nor security can be impaired by the presence of other companies. All the resources, all the space are there for you.

Managed hosting

We manage the installation and setup of the server and website. For this, we monitor the website around the clock, all year round with manned operation on call 24/7. Security patching of server happens every day.

Unlimited resources

Unlimited data traffic, storage space and resources (memory, processors) are included for the agreed application. We automatically scale up and down as needed.

Overload protection

We handle and migrate DDOS attacks automatically (up to 28.8 tbit/s).

GDPR & The Cloud Act

Hosting, maintenance and backups are 100% GDPR compliant. All hosting is within the EU in data centers owned by European subcontractors. Thus, the American The Cloud Act does not apply.

SSL certificate

Certificates that provide padlocks in the browser (HTTPS) as well as installation and configuration of your application. Domain Validation from Google/Let's Encrypt.


Daily backups to two different physical locations. Stored for three months but longer on request.

Mild Boost – a high-performance operating platform

Mild Boost is an upgrade of our regular, speed hosting - where the underlying hardware has been replaced. Instead of normal server processors, Mild Boost is based on the absolute fastest game processors on the market, which means that large, heavy databases as well as simpler websites overperform. Normally, speed optimization requires a large number of development hours and the result is difficult to guarantee. Mild Boost is an effective method that requires no development at all.

After activation, the charging time is reduced on average by 50-95% from the first day. This upgraded hosting therefore leads to:

Different variants of hosting

Our hosting comes in three variants. There are also a number of additional services that not everyone needs, we list these a little further down.

Mild Cloud

Certificates that provide padlocks in the browser (HTTPS) as well as installation and configuration of your application. Domain Validation from Google/Let's Encrypt.

Mild Cloud Enterprise

Certificates that provide padlocks in the browser (HTTPS) as well as installation and configuration of your application. Domain Validation from Google/Let's Encrypt.

Mild Cloud Investor

Aimed at listed customers with IR data. Based on Mild Cloud Enterprise but is more powerful for handling large traffic in real time, for example annual reports. Connection to real-time graph, separate monitoring of IR integration (including Cision) and direct contact between our support and IR supplier are included.

Additional services to Mild's hosting


All customers have their own virtual server for a hassle-free website. We install and manage everything for you.


Triple-redundant DNS network.


Unlimited accounts with unlimited space. Antispam, antivirus, IMAP/POP/SMTP/webmail.

Mild CDN

With CDN, your website loads fast all over the world. Our network consists of 36 servers and also reaches mainland China.

Hack monitoring

We scan your solution for potential hacks and intrusions every 10 minutes with automatic alerts to our on-call team.

Acceptance protection

Secure storage of evidence when your visitors agree to your terms online. With acceptance protection, it becomes easy to comply with the GDPR.

Hosting in China

Hosting in China is a challenge. There is a firewall into the mainland that makes it almost impossible for websites hosted in Europe to reach users inside the country. If, on the contrary, you are in China and try to visit one of these sites, the loading time will be extremely long, or the site will die. In addition, most websites outside of China look like garbage as many WordPress themes are based on scripts owned by Google – which is completely blocked in the country. In summary, it can be said that non-China based websites do not work in China.

At the same time, many global companies, with branches all over the world, are interested in hosting in China. It is important that their websites are accessible everywhere, and that they are also fast.

We master that with our CDN – Content Delivery Network. We have a handle on the basic requirements you need for hosting in China. Initially, we adapt your website so that it is independent of Google services. In order to rank on China’s search engines, you need to have the entire infrastructure within the country, for example domains. There are two ways to solve it:

China Connect

A simpler method that we usually test first. It does not require you to have a Chinese company or any special licenses. We put a server node in Hong Kong, connected to the China Connect network. This hosting solution provides a slightly higher speed to mainland China than normal traffic. Together with other optimizations (eg DNS, compress images, exclude blocked services such as Google Maps and so on) this is usually sufficient. We have several successful projects based on this type of hosting.


A method that we test if the first one does not produce the desired result. This kind of hosting means that we place a server inside China’s firewall. We sell operations in several Chinese cities, and to be allowed to have a page there you need approval – an IPC license from the authorities.