Demand Gen - Google's new campaign update

Reach customers earlier in the buying process

Google's new campaign type Demand Gen is currently being implemented by many. This variant replaces the previous Discovery campaigns. The change provides additional opportunities to reach potential customers earlier in the buying process.

What is Demand Gen?

The format is designed to generate interest and engagement by blending visual ad formats - including short videos and ad carousels. The campaigns run across platforms like YouTube and Google, providing broad and varied reach.

Demand Gen provides a unique opportunity to reach potential customers earlier in the buying process. Traditional Google search has focused on conversions in later stages, but with Demand Gen, we can engage customers earlier. This way, we build awareness around brands and offers earlier.

When should I use Demand Gen advertising?

You may be a B2B company looking to increase awareness of a new product. By using Demand Gen, you can create a campaign that not only reaches potential customers when they are searching for similar products but also when they are consuming related content on YouTube or Google. This opens up for a more dynamic and engaging marketing strategy.

Demand Gen gives us at Mild an opportunity to explore new strategies and create more targeted and effective campaigns for our clients. It will be exciting to see how we can combine this with existing advertising to create synergies and discover new customer segments. Demand Gen replaces so-called "Discovery" ads and is Google's response to marketing in social, entertainment-oriented networks. See it as an attempt to compete against platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, says Adam Malmstedt, SEM Specialist at Mild.